
Lockdown diaries- Part 1- This too shall pass...

Writing has always been a passion. As a child, I used to write pages after pages in my diaries. Whether I was very happy or sad or confused or just had a new year resolution to make, I would write them all. And it did make me feel better, helped me find peace and direction and soothe the restlessness. Long before any expert would tell me how writing helps to reduce any tension or cheer up your mood, I had started writing.  Therefore it is sad that as a grown up, I wrote very less. There were always excuses about being very busy but the fact is life had shown such ugly sides that often I would fall short of words. Instead of thinking about writing about the events that occurred, I was more interested in running away from them. There were too many lessons life had taught and I was unable to summarize them all in a few words. Diary pages remained empty. Occasionally I would write a few blogs but that's about it. Life moved on and so did I, the faster the better. I just went wi